Inman Aligners: Straighten Your Teeth with Clear Braces

We smile when we’re feeling our best. Well, most of us do. But for nearly 7 in 10 Americans, smiling isn’t an act of joy, courtesy of dental problems like misaligned teeth.

There’s a lot said about beautiful smiles. It’s one of the first things people notice about you. However, people with crooked teeth often feel insecure in their smiles, with many going to extreme lengths to cover it up.
That’s not all.

Teeth are like wheels on a machine. They are supposed to fit together in a certain way to do certain things. When they don’t, you could be looking at several oral health problems.

For starters, crooked teeth are harder to clean, since they offer more places for plaque to hide. Plaque buildup can result in cavities, inflammation, and gum disease.

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A few other problems associated with misaligned teeth include:

  • Higher risk of injuries
  • Chipping and grinding due to an improper bite
  • TMJ pain, headaches, and migraines

Given the evidence, it’s impossible to argue the benefits of straightening teeth. And while metal braces and Invisalign are popular choices in this regard, we’re here to talk about Inman aligners in Claremont.

What are Inman Aligners?

Inman aligners are simple, removable orthodontic appliances that can straighten teeth quickly and effectively, with results seen in a matter of weeks. They’re designed to correct crowding and protrusion in the six front teeth (upper and lower).

Although the Inman aligner is perfect as a standalone treatment, it can also be used to align teeth before other restorative procedures like bonding or veneers.

Here’s how they work. The aligner comes with two opposing spring-loaded bars (a buccal row and a lingual row) that exert gentle but continuous pressure over a large range of movement.

Clear aligners, including those developed by Inman, offer a discreet and effective solution for orthodontic treatment. These aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, gradually shifting them into their desired positions. Through a series of carefully planned aligners, Inman aligners gently guide teeth alignment, providing a virtually invisible way to achieve a straighter smile.

This pushes the teeth into the right position over time. It’s safe, non-invasive, and oh-so-convenient!

But are Inman aligners in Hickory Effective? You bet. One look at Inman aligner before and after pictures will tell you how efficient they are. You could also check out Inman aligner reviews for more affirmation.

  • Since the forces produced by the aligner are constant, it can yield results in as little as 6-18 weeks, depending on the severity of the case.
  • Inman aligners can also fix minor tooth rotation (only for teeth rotated less than 30 degrees).
  • They have an incredibly high success rate.
  • You’ll only require one appliance, no need to change it every two weeks.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Inman Aligners?

All patients, regardless of age, can qualify for Inman aligners, provided they show the following symptoms.

  • Healthy teeth and gums with no inflammation/disease
  • Mild/moderate crowding and differential wear in the upper/lower front teeth
  • Relapse from earlier orthodontic treatment due to failure in retention
  • Candidates who cannot wear metal braces (Inman aligners can be detached)
  • Candidates who prefer to do one arch at a time/only want to treat their upper or lower teeth

Now for the Inman aligner vs Invisalign debate. Inman aligners are a quicker and much less expensive way to straighten and reduce crowding in the upper and lower front teeth. However, Invisalign is a more robust treatment and can treat a wide range of orthodontic issues.

Ultimately, both Inman aligners and Invisalign are incredibly effective, but targeted to different audiences. What you need will vary based on your specific issue, your budget, and your general dentist’s recommendations.

The Inman Aligner Treatment Process

At your first consultation, your general dentist will discuss if Inman aligners are a suitable treatment for you. The consultation will be followed with:

  • Taking impressions and photos
  • Deciding which tooth is in the most favorable position
  • Measuring the width of one tooth for calibration
  • Next, these details will be sent to a laboratory to customize your aligner. Once it’s ready, you’ll be called in for the fitting.
  • Your general dentist will instruct you on how to wear/remove the aligner
  • They’ll place composite tags to keep the bow in the right place
  • Your general dentist may also use thin diamond strips to create space between the teeth

After the initial phase, your general dentist might see you every 2-3 weeks to check your progress. When they’re happy with the results, they may recommend a retainer to protect your new straightened teeth from relapsing.

A word of caution. You may experience some soreness in the mouth or increased salivation for the first 3-4 days after the fitting. That’s normal.

You should get used to your new aligners in a few days. But don’t hesitate to call your general dentist if you experience sharp pain or bleeding.

Inman Aligner Aftercare

Here are a few aftercare tips for your Inman aligners.

  • Clean your aligners before putting them in each time. Use a soft and electric toothbrush, a small amount of toothpaste, and cool water.
  • Remove the aligners when eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth.
  • Brush and floss your teeth before re-wearing the aligners.
  • Do not use excessive force to bend or twist your aligners.
  • Aim to wear the aligners at least 16-20 hours a day.
  • Do not use denture cleaning products or mouthwash to clean the aligners.
  • Do not boil or sterilize the aligners or leave it in a hot place.
  • Use your fingers to place the aligners. Do not bite it into position.

· Put the aligner in its case when you’re not wearing it.

Inman Aligner Cost

The cost of Inman aligners in Claremont depends on the dentist/orthodontist you go to, the amount of work needed, and the treatment time frame.

If you’re wondering whether your dental insurance covers Inman aligner prices in Claremont NC, talk to your insurance company beforehand. Several dental policies have benefits for adult orthodontic appliances, meaning you might be able to leverage them for your treatment.


Inman aligners are a groundbreaking orthodontic appliance that can fix your front teeth in no time. They’re quick, cost-efficient, and a virtually painless teeth straightening method. Now that you know all about these aligners, talk to your general dentist about them today!

Ready to find out if you qualify for Inman aligners in Claremont? Talk to the team at Claremont Dental Arts. With a combined experience of 273 years, we can take care of all your oral care needs, whether it’s sedation dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, tooth replacements/extractions, or orthodontics. Call us today to get your dental health on track!